- Awesome Performance
- Super smooth, no lags
- 200+ MB free ram
- Quadrant score 3000+ always (I got 3200 also)
- very good gaming performance, no lags found
- 60 Fps
- Proximity improved - Beautiful
- Nice Samsung S3 TouchWiz launcher
- Samsung S3 TouchWiz theme
- Samsung S3 bootanimation and logo - Ultimate battery backup
- More than 2 days (moderate usages) - Ultra fast GPS lock
- Reported to get lock in 5 seconds
- very good accuracy upto as minimum as 15 feet! - Best Audio output
- Built in Quality sound without any external script/engines
- Loud speaker
- loud headphone volume
- No cracking sound - Other enhancements
- Odexed
- Pre-rooted
- Updated SU binary/ SU app
- replaced Micromax JB boot.img
- Replaced Micromax modem.img, both sim cards work
- updated hosts file - in-built ad blocking (no need for any app)
- Built in camera patch 12 MP back and 1.3 MP front
please comment below
Download Link:
- Title : [ROM][4.1.1] SUVI ROM JELLY BEAN
- Author :
- Date : 9:49 AM
- Labels :
How to instal,please solution
Malah bootloop gan,gmn ni pdhal ane pngen bgt psang ni ROM.....
Until you instal the custom rom... flash with boot img for jb...
Abis instal romnya... langsung timpah pake kernel dari om tri gann...
Yg kernel trizet beta 2 y gan ...?
Para mastah please bikin patch gpsnya dong...
Kalo punya folder lib> hw> dri stock rom cynus t1 jb saya minta..
The link has not any files???
tidak ada filenya
Lên mạng kiếm link khác của Bản này vừa cài xong là brick máy luôn :( Sao dzậy ta? Mới vừa đi bảo hành xong
There are no files. Can you upload again (elsewhere)?
is this for real? 12mp ??
link ny gan, ko gak ada filenya
Link download filenya mana gan...???
Cape dech.....
bad link
Entek mas...
Hi i am facing audio cracking noise after installing Suvi V15 ROM can any one help me how to overcome it.
Mantab nih,,Rom,,cukup stabil,,adem,,ga boros CPU nya,,sayang blom ada tv out nya
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