Big thanks to our genius develop Group
- Akhmad Murtadoh
Big thanks to our genius develop Group
- Akhmad Murtadoh
- Alas Wingit
- Arif Arshavin
- Ionzey Kizs
- Irvanus Eka P.
- Khio Gie G.B
- Ptx Emergency A.
- Riky M.W
- Tri Setyanto
*Really stable
*Fix bugs
*Add Swap support, OTG and Overclock (thanks to sir Trizet's Kernel :)
TV out is not supported right now
please comment below if you have any other bug
(screenshot is the same like JB 4.2.2 beta1 so I needn't to update here)
Download Link:
- Title : [ROM][4.2.2] JELLY BEAN STABLE V1.1
- Author :
- Date : 10:09 AM
- Labels :
Very very good
Fantastic ROM
Thank you
Thank you guys, keep up the good work.
is it also italian?
My bluetooth address is 0 in this rom. Help me to solve it plz
I'm glad you like it
Please reupload the link are death
Would love to give this a try, I really missed the swap support.
The link is indeed dead, any chance for a re-upload?
First of all, thank you developers for awesome done work..
Few question if you don't mind..
1) How do I remove pre-boot static image of stylized skull with a text "Ported by..."?
2) An indicator of mobile internet service is also "E", and never changes to "H" or "3G". I could not understand the reason. How do I check whether the firmware supports E--H-3G switch? Or maybe it is mobile operator's fault.
3) A built-in Gallery app and Music app sometimes doesn't see any images or music files in folders where these files actually located. After rebooting the phone, everything is fine. How do I fix it?
4) Just a minor bug: not everything is translated into Russian..
My phone is Mobistel Cynus T1
Thank you
Now the link works again. Many thanks! I'm running it now on my Brondi Glory, so far so good
I understood swap support to be the changing of the 3G simcard from one to the other in software. But this feature is not available (3G service in Mobile Networks menu).
Did I misunderstand?
On my Brondi Glory device, the firmware supports H(3G) connection on SIM1 only. It is not possible to software-swap as it was in the original firmware.
for question 1: Open the ROM file by 7zip or Winrar, then select Logo.bin and delete it.
For question 2: your Operator's signal treng may be too low to use 3G. you may go to Setting-->mobile network--network mode to change into 3G only mode
for question 3: in the first time you boot the device after having flash ROM, there are nothing in Gallery. this is normal. so please reboot your phone and it will show all of your photos
For question 4: this ROM may not have Russian language :( I am sorry about this. but you can change build.prop (in line region) to force some apps (such as opera mini) work in Russian Language.
Thank you for reply!
Some notes:
Concerning E-H-3G modes. I replaced my SIM from 2nd to 1st slot, and now it works. Looks like the firmware can't work with 2nd slot..
Concerning Gallery.. No, you misunderstood.. I have already rebooted my phone, many times.. It didn't help
Si there Any chance to fix TV support bug?
Do you have shared sources of kernel?
Si there any news about an upgrade of the ROM?
There are 2 version of this ROM. I will upload them right now!
Yes... 3G swich menu is missing. This feature will be back in JB 4.2.2 Transparency by sir.Irvanus
You can add TV out feature by your own by editting some files in framework folder. please search in XDA
Sorry, the kernel is not for sharing. please contact sir.Trizet if you want the kernel source.
What wrong if after flash this ROM I can't install application and after boot always pop up message unfortunately messaging has stopped
yah .. Me Too .. cannot Messaging and Install app
kalau untuk IMO I MEMO bisa nggak ya mas ? trimss
Pls fix the Led Flash Notification whenever i got msg the led flash turns to red not green and also music is in low volume thank you!
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