Take this page down, or atleast put a link to the original thread!You can not just copy things of our respected Devs.Learn to show respect, respect the Devs.If you don't put a link to the original thread, I'll report this blog.Sincerely,Senior, XDA-Developers.com
@Crystal Arrowlanjut terus gan.. coz ane download di original link xda ROM nya gk bisa diinstall di IMO S88 ane. Ane download disini bisa jalan gan.. mantabz pake Z ya.. hehe.
Gan cara installnya bagaimana? filenya ada 4?mohon informasinyaTerimakasih
gabungin filenya pk HJsplit (google aja) trus extract jadi cangalaxy_v3.zip taruh di SDcard .. flash pk CMW jg lp wipe data & cache dl sblm install ..overal mantep tp kl di gabungin pk kernelnya agan trizet.. biar jd 1,2Ghz ... ada bug kl mo on/off data mobile..kdg jd kdg enggak...
GPS nya gak jalan gan... :(Please fix it..
Ane dah nyoba tmpilanya kren,cman hh kta rda lagKyaknya klo ram hh kta 1gb bru lncar ni...
Rom này xai kernel b1a chinh governo hybrid vs i/o sio ngon cực + swap ram + greenify cay game nao cung dc.:))
not support bbm gan....
Take this page down, or atleast put a link to the original thread!
You can not just copy things of our respected Devs.
Learn to show respect, respect the Devs.
If you don't put a link to the original thread, I'll report this blog.
Senior, XDA-Developers.com
@Crystal Arrow
lanjut terus gan.. coz ane download di original link xda ROM nya gk bisa diinstall di IMO S88 ane. Ane download disini bisa jalan gan.. mantabz pake Z ya.. hehe.
Gan cara installnya bagaimana? filenya ada 4?
mohon informasinya
gabungin filenya pk HJsplit (google aja) trus extract jadi cangalaxy_v3.zip taruh di SDcard .. flash pk CMW jg lp wipe data & cache dl sblm install ..
overal mantep tp kl di gabungin pk kernelnya agan trizet.. biar jd 1,2Ghz ... ada bug kl mo on/off data mobile..kdg jd kdg enggak...
GPS nya gak jalan gan... :(
Please fix it..
Ane dah nyoba tmpilanya kren,cman hh kta rda lag
Kyaknya klo ram hh kta 1gb bru lncar ni...
Rom này xai kernel b1a chinh governo hybrid vs i/o sio ngon cực + swap ram + greenify cay game nao cung dc.:))
not support bbm gan....
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